
SeasonsTurn:SeasonalMiniaturesoftheSonoranDesert  Fine art papers, balsa wood, PVA, acrylic paint, glitters, resin  14” X 14” block of wood with 13” diameter bamboo bowl SeasonsTurn:SeasonalMiniaturesoftheSonoranDesert  View2-Autumn SeasonsTurn:SeasonalMiniaturesoftheSonoranDesert  View3-Winter SeasonsTurn:SeasonalMiniaturesoftheSonoranDesert  View4-Spring SeasonsTurn:SeasonalMiniaturesoftheSonoranDesert  View5-Summer SeasonsTurn:SeasonalMiniaturesoftheSonoranDesert  View6-Summer with Monsoon Bowl
SeasonsTurn:SeasonalMiniaturesoftheSonoranDesert  View7-Spring with Monsoon Season on top of block SeasonsTurn:SeasonalMiniaturesoftheSonoranDesert  View8-Interior of Monsoon Bowl SeasonsTurn:SeasonalMiniaturesoftheSonoranDesert  View9-Side of Monsoon Bowl DesertView  Gold frame, art papers, resin 8”W X 9”H GoldFishBowl  Maple wood base, art papers, resin 9” in diameter Monsoon  Double gold frame, art papers, resin 5”W X 6”H
SaguaroBlossoms  Gold and black frame, art papers, resin 8”H X 8”W SeptemberSwim  Gold frame, art papers, resin 8”W X 9”H StillLife  Double gold frame, art papers, resin 8 ½”W X 10” DancingSkeletonGourd  Native Arizona gourd with art papers and resin with a paper mache and resined skeleton inside 19”H X 8”W Gourd 18”H Skeleton DancingSkeletonGourd(View 2)  Front of gourd, skeleton with arms out showing background in side gourd DancingSkeletonGourd(View 3)  Skeleton sitting on chair next to gourd
DancingSkeleton  Skeleton on his own DiadelosMuertosTravelingAltarcase  Wooden Box, spray paint, cut art papers, resin, cloth flowers and butterflies, gold frame with photo DiadelosMuertosTravelingAltarcase(View 2)  Half open Altar Case/Back DiadelostMuertosTravelingAltarcase(View 3)  Altar Set-up DiadelosMuertosTravelingAltarcase(View 4)  View of both sides of Altar Case inside TwoLepidopteraBowls  Bamboo base, art papers, resin Bowl One: 6 ½” H X 10” W Bowl Two: 7” H X 11” W
Blue&OrangeTigerMoth  Lepidoptera Bowl One / Outside A Pink&WhiteTigerMothwithDatura  Lepidoptera Bowl One / Outside B Red-VeinedSonoranSIlkMoth  Lepidoptera Bowl One / Outside C CloudlessSulphurButterflies&MexicanaDesertThistle  Lepidoptera Bowl One / Inside BottomofBowlOne _Praying Mantis  Lepidoptera Bowl One /Outside/Bottom MinervaOwl Butterfly  Lepidoptera Bowl Two / Outside A
OrangeSonoranSilkMoth  Lepidoptera Bowl Two / Outside B YuccaPlantwithYuccaMoth  Lepidoptera Bowl Two / Outside C OrangeSulphurButterflies&Callistemon  Lepidoptera Bowl Two / Inside BottomofBowlTwo_Praying Mantis  Lepidoptera Bowl Two /Outside/Bottom WinterNightVase  Pine wood base, art papers, resin, gold thread 5”W X 27”H WinterNightVase2Reverse  Pine wood base, art papers, resin, gold thread 5”W X 27”H (reversed)
WinterNightVase3SIde  Pine wood base, art papers, resin, gold thread 5”W X 27”H (side) DesertSpringVase  Pine wood base, art papers, resin, gold thread 5”W X 20”H DesertSpringVase2Reverse  Pine wood base, art papers, resin, gold thread 5”W X 20”H (reverse) DesertSpringVase3Side  Pine wood base, art papers, resin, gold thread 5”W X 20”H (side) BowlofBorscht  Maple wood base, art papers, gold thread, resin 9” in diameter BowlofCherries  Maple wood base, art papers, gold thread, resin 9” in diameter
BowlofGoldfish  Maple wood base, art papers, gold thread, resin 9” in diameter BowlofPansies  Maple wood base, art papers, gold thread, resin 9” in diameter HorsesInLandscape  Art papers, resin 36”W X 14”H HorsesInLandscape2(View 2)  Art papers, resin 36”W X 14”H HorsesInLandscape3(View 3)  Art papers, resin 36”W X 14”H HorsesLndscpeDetail1  Art papers, resin 36”W X 14”H (detail 1)
HorsesLndscpeDetail2  Art papers, resin 36”W X 14”H (detail 2) DogAndSaguarosCutout  Art papers 16”W X 17”H AtlasProject  Bamboo and pine wood bases, art paper, acrylic paint, gold thread, resin 20W” X 18H” EurybiaGlobeVasea  Atlas Project 14”W x 15”H GlobeVaseReverse  Atlas Project 14”W x 15”H (reverse) MermaidPlatter  Atlas Project 18” Diameter
MermaidPlatterCutouts  Atlas Project (detail) 18” Diameter FourWindsLazySusan  Atlas Project 20” Diameter TomatoesAndBlueShaker  Pine wood base, art papers, resin 5”W X 12”H TomatoesAndPurpleShaker  Pine wood base, art papers, resin PurpleSaltShakerCutouts  5”W X 12”H Art Papers BlueSaltShakerCutouts  5”W X 12”H Art Papers
TomatoCutouts  Art Papers SacredHeartCutout  Art Papers LadyOnCouchCutout  Art Papers PortraitofPuppyCutou  8”W X 10”H Art Papers, gold thread PortraitofPoodleCutout  8”W X 10”H Art Papers WeddingAnnouncemt  Art papers and 20” X 30” painted Oval Frame
WeddingCutouts  Art Papers WeddingGift  Art papers  16”W X 7”H HebrewAlphabetWeights  Art Papers, stones, resin Various Sizes DayOfTheDeadGroup  Four Paper Skeletons Art papers, cardboard, sequin, thread  Each 17” H and various widths DayOfTheDeadPlatter  Pine wood base, art papers, gold thread, resin 20” X 20” DayOfTheDeadVase  Bamboo base, art papers, gold thread, resin 8” W X 21”H
DayOfTheDeadVaseSide  Bamboo base, art papers, gold thread, resin 8” W X 21”H (side) DayOfTheDeadVaseReverse  Bamboo base, art papers, gold thread, resin 8” W X 21”H (reverse) SkeletonBox2016  Owl Memorial Box for Mary Edwina, 2016 SkeletonBox2015  Owl Memorial Box for Mary Edwina, 2016 (alternate view) SkeletonBoxDetail2015  Owl Memorial Box for Mary Edwina, 2016 (alternate view) SkeletonwithBird1  Art papers, cardboard, sequin, thread  7”W X 17” H
SkeletonwithBird2  Art papers, cardboard, sequins, thread, 7"W X 17"H SkeletonwithFlower1  Art papers, cardboard, sequin, thread  8”W X 17” H SkeletonwithFlower2  Art papers, cardboard, sequins, thread, 7"W X 17"H SkeletonwithGuitar1  Art papers, cardboard, sequin, thread  9”W X 17” H SkeletonwithSombrero1  Art papers, cardboard, sequin, thread  6”W X 17” H SkeletonwithSombrero2  Art papers, cardboard, sequins, thread, 7"W X 17"H
SkeletonwithViolin1  Art papers, cardboard, sequin, thread  9”W X  17” H SkeletonwithViolin2  Art papers, cardboard, sequins, thread, 7"W X 17"H KoiPondVaseI  Koi Pond Vase I (Side A) Bamboo base, art papers, resin, gold thread 16” H X 7” W KoiPondVaseI[Side B]  Koi Pond Vase I (Side B) SonoranDesertLandscapes  Sonoran Desert Landscapes Wood blocks, art papers, resin, brass details Four 4” Cubes ButterfliesPlatter  Butterflies Platter
LifeBreath-MilagroI  Life’s Breath/Milagro I Pinewood base, art papers, resin 10” H X 8.5” W SacredHeart-MilagroII  Sacred Heart/Milagro II Pinewood base, art papers, resin 10” H X 8.5” W CharmedWhisper-MilagroIII  Charmed Whisper/Milagro III Pinewood base, art papers, resin 13” diameter CoyoteLandscape  Coyote Landscape Pinewood base, art papers, resin 5 1⁄2” H X 24” W PegasusConstellation  Pegasus Constellation Pinewood base, art papers, resin 18” H X 14” W FourAmulets  Four Amulets Pinewood base, art papers, resin 8” H X 3” W
KoiPondVaseI  Koi Pond Vase II (Side A) Bamboo base, art papers, resin, gold thread 20” H X 12” W KoiPondVaseII[Detail]  Koi Pond Vase II (Detail) KoiPondVaseII[Side B]  Koi Pond Vase II (Side B) KoiPondVaseII[Side C]  Koi Pond Vase II (Side C) GardenofEdenBowlwithWisdomOrb  Garden of Eden Bowl with Wisdom Orb Bamboo base, art papers, resin Bowl: 6” diameter / Orb: 8 1⁄2” X 7” W GardenOfEdenBowl[Detail]  Garden of Eden Bowl (Detail)
BlueLizardGlobeI  Blue Lizard Globe I Pinewood base, art papers, resin, metal chains, wire,  thread, brass finishings 12” H X 11” W BlueLizardGlobeII  Blue Lizard Globe II Pinewood base, art papers, resin, metal chains, wire, thread, brass finishings 12” H X 11” W BlueLizardGlobeDetail  Blue Lizard Globe Detail BlueLizardGourd  Blue Lizard Vessel Gourd, art papers, wire, resin 4" x 5" GardenofEdenPlatterI  Garden of Eden Platter I Bamboo base, art papers, resin 18” diameter GardenofEdenPlatterII  Garden of Eden Platter II Bamboo base, art papers, resin 16” diameter
OwlInTheDesertSky  Owl in the Desert Sky Pinewood base, art papers, resin 3 sections totaling 18” H X 11” W YellowKoiPanel  Yellow Koi Panel Pinewood base, art papers, resin 12” H X 7” W YellowandPinkWaterLiliesPanel  Yellow and Pink Water Lilies Panel Pinewood base, art papers, resin 12” H X 7” W WhiteandRedKoiPanel  White and Red Koi Panel Pinewood base, art papers, resin 12” H X 7” W OrangeEvePanel  Orange Eve Panel Pinewood base, art papers, resin 7” H X 16” W PinkMoriahPanel  Pink Moriah Panel Pinewood base, art papers, resin 7” H X 16” W
OrangeEveDetail  Orange Eve Detail TurquoiseAuroraPanel  Turquoise Aurora Panel Pinewood base, art papers, resin 7” H X 16” W BlueLylaPanel  Blue Lyla Panel Pinewood base, art papers, resin 7” H X 16” W DahliaBlossom  Dahlia Blossom Pinewood Lazy Susan, art papers, resin 16" diameter DahliaBlossomDetail  Dahlia Blossom Detail LandscapePlatter  Seasonal Landscape Platter  Bamboo base, art papers, resin 15 “ X 15”
LandscapePlatterAngled  Seasonal Landscape Platter (Side View) BlackRavenPlatter  Birds of the Southwest Platter Bamboo base, art papers, resin 15” X 15” RavenPlatterAngled  Birds of the Southwest Platter (Side View) QuailNest  Quail Eggs in Nest Palm Stone River rock, art papers, resin  5” MoonlitRaven  Moonlit Raven Palm Stone  River rock, art papers, resin  7” RattlesnakeAndTrout  Ridge Nosed Rattlesnake and Apache Trout Palm Stone River rock, art papers, resin 7"
PalmStoneBasket  Basket of assorted silhouette Palm Stones River rock, art papers, resin BirdInTheHand  A Bird in the Hand Palm Stone River rock, art papers, resin  7” HeartsOnFire  Hearts on Fire Palm Stones River rock, art papers, resin  4” and 5” EvergreenBox  Evergreen Box Pinewood box, tiny fur tree, art papers, acrylic paint, resin 6” X 6” EvergreenBoxOpen  Evergreen Box (Open) ArmadilloBox  Hidden Armadillo Box Pinewood box, wooden animal, art papers, resin 8” X 8”
ArmadilloBoxOpen  Hidden Armadillo Box (Open) ArizonaLandscapes  Arizona Skies/Four Landscapes Wood panels, art papers, resin Each 11”(W) X 19”(H) CirrusClouds  Cirrus Clouds over Dry Desert (Panel I) Wood panel, art papers, resin 11”(W) X 19”(H) CumulusClouds  Cumulus Clouds at Night (Panel II) Wood panel, art papers, resin 11”(W) X 19”(H) MonsoonClouds  Monsoon Clouds (Panel III) Wood panel, art papers, resin 11”(W) X 19”(H) RainbowOverDesert  Rainbow over Lush Desert (Panel IV) Wood panel, art papers, resin 11”(W) X 19”(H)
MayYouBeBlessed  Marriage Blessing Panel Wood panel, art papers, resin translation from Hebrew on reverse 12”(W) X 24”(H) GoldenRavens  Golden Ravens Panel Wood panel, art papers, resin 3” X 8” RiverStyxPanels  Boat to the Other Side Five wood panels with cut-outs, art papers, resin Each 15” X15” RiverStyxI  Boat to the Other Side (Panel I) Wood panel with cut-outs, art papers, resin 15” X15” RiverStyxII  Boat to the Other Side (Panel II) Wood panel with cut-outs, art papers, resin 15” X15” RiverStyxIII  Boat to the Other Side (Panel III) Wood panel with cut-outs, art papers, resin 15” X15”
RiverStyxIV  Boat to the Other Side (Panel IV) Wood panel with cut-outs, art papers, resin 15” X15” RiverStyxV  Boat to the Other Side (Panel V) Wood panel with cut-outs, art papers, resin 15” X15” RestingWoman  Resting Woman Wood panel, art papers, ribbon,  brass charms, resin 3” X 8” RestingWomen  Resting Women Wood Frame, art papers, resin 12” X 15” MoonOverSedona  Sedona Landscapes Five Palm Stones River rock, art papers, resin  Ranging from 2” to 6” HeartsAndHands  Milagros Three Palm Stones River rock, art papers, resin  2”, 3 ½”, 5”
DiaDeLosMuertos  Day of the Dead Skeletons Two Palm Stones River rock, art papers, resin  3”, 5” RodeoRider  State Flag of Arizona with Rodeo Rider Palm Stone River rock, art papers, resin  7” MonarchButterfly  Monarch Butterfly Four Palm Stones River rock, art papers, resin  2”, 3”, 4”, 5” PuebloTresures  Pueblo Pottery Palm Stone River rock, art papers, resin  7” AcomaWeddingVase  Pueblo Pottery Palm Stone  River rock, art papers, resin 6” SouthwestTreeFrogs  Arizona Tree Frogs Palm Stone River rock, art papers, resin  3”, 4”, 5”
HorsesInADesertLandscape  Landscape with Horses Palm Stone River rock, art papers, resin 8” MazelTov  Bat Mitzvah Box Pinewood box, cushioned velvet lining,  invitation, acrylic paint, art papers, resin 9” X 12” X 2” AfricanBird  Hidden Birds Box Pinewood box, cushioned textile lining, wooden animals, acrylic paint, art papers, resin 9” X 12” X 4” TreasureBox  Box for Keepsakes Pinewood box, cushioned textile lining,  brass chain and coin, acrylic paint,  art papers, resin 10” X 12” X 2” CrazyQuiltPedestal  Crazy Quilt Table Pinewood cylinder, art papers, resin 15” in diameter X 2 ft high CrazyQuiltPedestalTopview  Crazy Quilt Table  (Top View)
GardenOfEdenBowl  Garden of Eden Blessing Bowl Bamboo base, art papers, resin 8” diameter GardenofEdenBowlSideview  Garden of Eden Blessing Bowl (Side View) GardenofEdenBowlUnderside  Garden of Eden Blessing Bowl (underside) EdenBowl  Eden Blessing Bowl Bamboo base, art papers, resin 6” diameter EdenBowlTranslation  Garden of Eden Blessing Bowl with translation of Hebrew BetrothalBox  Betrothal Box Pinewood box, acrylic paint, brass yad,  art papers, figurines, resin 8” X 8” X 2”
BetrothalBoxInsideTop  Betrothal Box BetrothalBoxInsideBottom  With “Ahavah” Hebrew for “Love” BetrothalBoxClosed  Betrothal Box (Closed) VesselOfTruth  Remembrance Vessel Gourd, art papers, resin (Hebrew translation on bottom) 7” X 9” VesselofTruthTopview  Remembrance Vessel  (Top View Detail) VesselofTruthDetail  Remembrance Vessel (Detail)
BlueLizardGourdDetail  Blue Lizard Vessel (Detail) BlueLizardGourdDetail  Blue Lizard Vessel (Top View) BlueLizardVesselPetals  Vessel Series (Petal Construction) PegasusRisingOverSouthwestDesertVase1  Pegasus Rising Over Southwest Desert Vase#1 Bamboo base, art papers, resin 11" X 15" PegasusRisingOverSouthwestDesertVase2  Pegasus Rising Over Southwest Desert Vase #2 Bamboo base, art papers, resin 21" X 6" PegasusRisingOverSouthwestDesertVases  Pegasus Rising Over Southwest Desert Vases Bamboo base, art papers, resin 11" X 15" and 21" X 6"
ItWouldHaveMadeACatLaugh  It Would Have Made A Cat Laugh 35 Page Flip-Book in Box Artist papers, glass beads, gold threads, pine box Book: 6” X 11” Box: 7” (W) X 14”(L) X 5”(H) ItWouldHaveMadeACatLaughSamplePage  It Would Have Made A Cat Laugh Sample page before assembly ItWouldHaveMadeACatLaughPage1  It Would Have Made A Cat Laugh White Cat Page One ItWouldHaveMadeACatLaughPage27  It Would Have Made A Cat Laugh Eight PM Cat Page Twenty-Seven ItWouldHaveMadeACatLaughPage34  It Would Have Made A Cat Laugh Page Thirty-Four Artist’s Note DiaDeLosMuertosBowl  Dia De Los Muertos Bowl Bamboo base, art papers, resin                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             14” X 14” X 7”
DiaDeLosMuertosBowlDetail  Dia De Los Muertos Bowl Detail DiaDeLosMuertosPlatter  Dia De Los Muertos Platter Bamboo base, art papers, resin 18” X 18” DiaDeLosMuertosPlatterDetail  Dia De Los Muertos Platter Detail DahliaBlossomPlatter  Dahlia Blossom Platter Bamboo base, art papers, resin 17” in diameter DahliaBlossomPlatterDetail  Dahlia Blossom Platter Detail SleepingLyla  Sleeping Lyla Hinged diptych on poplar wood, art papers, resin 7 ½ “ X 12”
SleepingLylaReverse  Sleeping Lyla Reverse Hinged diptych on poplar wood, art papers, resin 7 ½ “ X 12” AwakeAurora  Awake Aurora Hinged diptych on poplar wood, art papers, resin 7 ½ “ X 12” AwakeAuroraReverse  Awake Aurora Reverse Hinged diptych on poplar wood, art papers, resin 7 ½ “ X 12” Blue Lizard Globe III  Blue Lizard Globe III  Pinewood base, art papers, resin, metal chains, wire,   thread, brass finishings  12” H X 11” W